
DMTech EOOD concluded a contract for the implementation of the Project “Implementation of an innovative aspiration optical smoke detector”

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DMTech” EOOD concluded contract No. BG16RFPR001-1.003-0519-C01 for the implementation of the Project “Implementation of an innovative aspiration optical smoke detector”, under the “Implementation of Innovations in Enterprises” procedure under the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Innovations in Enterprises” 2021-2027, with the financial support of the EU under the European Fund for Regional Development.


The general goal of the current project is to support “DMTech” EOOD, for the implementation of a product innovation: “Aspiration optical-smoke fire detector”.
With implementation and successful market realization of the innovative product under the project, the innovation capacity and competitiveness of “DMTech” EOOD will increase.

The project has a completion period of 15 months and a total value of BGN 999,500.00. from of which BGN 424,787.50 from the European Union and BGN 74,962.50 from the national budget.

During the implementation of the project will be strictly observed horizontal policies for sustainable development and equality, and preventing discrimination, as well as the principle of “doing no significant harm” to the environment.